Manchester, UK, 20-23 August 2019 | Abstract submission deadline: 1st February 2019
RS11 – ‘Questioning Precariousness: Labour, Collective Organising and Everyday Life’
Precariousness has a complex and multidimensional connotation and has been measured mainly by referring to the extent to which non-standard work arrangements impact on the stability of employment and the availability of workers’ rights. By adopting this perspective, precariousness relates to low levels of regulatory protection, low wages, high employment insecurity, and a low level of worker control over wages, hours and working conditions. The deregulation and flexibilisation of traditional work arrangements, and the resulting erosion of the standard employment relationship, have prompted debate also on the adequacy and effectiveness of structures and methods of collective representation and on the union strategies to mobilise precarious workers to improve their working conditions, in different sectors and national settings. However, the vulnerable condition of precariousness not only concerns employment and industrial relations, but may also characterise other dimensions of life, such as housing, health, welfare provision and personal relationships. This affects particularly the difficulties in making autonomous life plans or the opportunity to engage in long-term projects. In this perspective, precariousness refers to a generalised set of social conditions and an associated sense of insecurity experienced in different stages of the life course, in different social contexts and regions of the world.
Therefore, the main aim of this Research Stream is to analyse both structural and cultural factors that account for the varying forms that precariousness can assume among different individuals and across countries in Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Europe. The stream encourages contributions from diverse sociological fields that adopt different theoretical perspectives and propose innovative methodological approaches to study precariousness.
– Abstracts should not exceed 250 words.
– Submission is through the ConfTool:
Annalisa Murgia, Department of Social and Political Sciences, University of Milan.
Principal Investigator of the ERC Starting Grant project SHARE ‘Seizing the Hybrid Areas
of work by Representing Self‐Employment’.
Renato Miguel do Carmo, Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, CIES‐IUL.
Director of the Inequality Observatory and Principal Investigator of the project ‘The
employment crisis and the Welfare State in Portugal: deterring drivers of social
vulnerability and inequality’.
Mireia Bolíbar, Department of Social and Political Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University.
Co-PI of the project PRESSED ‘Precarious employment and stress: social factors with
biomedical impact’.
Adam Mrozowicki, Institute of Sociology, University of Wroclaw
Co‐leader of the DFG‐NCN funded project PREWORK ‘Young precarious workers in Poland and Germany: A comparative sociological study on working and living conditions, social consciousness and civic engagement’.
– ESA conference website:
– General call for papers:
– 1 February 2019: Abstract submission deadline
– 1 April 2019: Notification of acceptance
– 20-23 August 2019: ESA Conference in Manchester