Inequalities in Portugal: recent and structural trends

By: Renato Miguel do Carmo, Frederico Cantante and Margarida Carvalho  Social inequalities are multidimensional and affect different sectors of society.   Introduction Social inequalities are multidimensional and affect different sectors of society. This paper will present data regarding several dimensions of inequality. The paper proceeds as follow. Firstly it focuses on income inequalities (disposable income, pre-tax income,…

Thinking the future through skill assessment. Interview with Irwin Kirsch

Irwin Kirsch is the Director of the Center for Global Assessment at Educational Testing Service (ETS). He is also an expert on literacy and skills assessment. He has a wide experience directing US and international large-scale assessments on literacy. He is currently Project Manager of PIAAC (Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies), an international large-scale…