Unemployment in Portugal and in Europe: To What Extent Are Young People Being Penalised? By Inês Tavares & Renato Miguel do Carmo

By: Inês Tavares and Renato Miguel do Carmo Tavares, Inês; & Renato Miguel do Carmo (2022), Unemployment in Portugal and in Europe: To What Extent Are Young People Being Penalised?, Lisbon, Inequality Observatory, CIES-Iscte Please wait while flipbook is loading. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress Flipbook Plugin Help…

Income inequality in Portugal and in Europe: the impact of austerity? By Renato Miguel do Carmo and Ana Rita Matias

By: Renato Miguel do Carmo and Ana Rita Matias In the European countries affected by austerity measures and structural adjustment programmes (Portugal, Greece, Ireland and Spain), data shows a significant increase in income inequalities. Meanwhile, these four countries saw a decline in the GDP, which besides representing an effective impoverishment led to a stagnation in…

Inequalities in Portugal: recent and structural trends

By: Renato Miguel do Carmo, Frederico Cantante and Margarida Carvalho  Social inequalities are multidimensional and affect different sectors of society.   Introduction Social inequalities are multidimensional and affect different sectors of society. This paper will present data regarding several dimensions of inequality. The paper proceeds as follow. Firstly it focuses on income inequalities (disposable income, pre-tax income,…

Earning inequalities in the parishes of Lisbon

By: Margarida Carvalho and Renato Miguel do Carmo  Lisbon municipality distinguishes itself from the remaining Portuguese territory by the higher earnings the workers receive there. However, the municipality is crossed by higher inequality levels than those recorded in national terms. And these inequalities aren’t homogeneously distributed on the municipality’s parishes. “Quadros de Pessoal” database is collected…