Are (inter)generational inequalities behind Portugal’s bad results in adult literacy?

On December 10th 2023, the results of the latest OECD survey on adult skills, conducted in 2023 as part of the Programme for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), were released. This edition of the survey involved 31 countries and global economies, including Portugal. The collected data characterise the population aged 16 to 65…

“‘Left behind places’: a geographical etymology”, by Andy Pike and colleagues (2023)

Review by: Diana Deodato Pike, A., Béal, V., Cauchi-Duval, N., Franklin, R., Kinossian, N., Lang, T., … Velthuis, S. (2023). ‘Left behind places’: a geographical etymology. Regional Studies, 58(6), 1167–1179.   What is the relationship between identification with populist parties and living in a geographic area marked by social inequality? The following review seeks…

Unemployment in Portugal and in Europe: To What Extent Are Young People Being Penalised? By Inês Tavares & Renato Miguel do Carmo

By: Inês Tavares and Renato Miguel do Carmo Tavares, Inês; & Renato Miguel do Carmo (2022), Unemployment in Portugal and in Europe: To What Extent Are Young People Being Penalised?, Lisbon, Inequality Observatory, CIES-Iscte Please wait while flipbook is loading. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress Flipbook Plugin Help…

“2023 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI): Unstacking global poverty: Data for high impact action”, by HNRO and OPHI

Review by Diana Deodato UNDP (2023). Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI): Unstacking global poverty – Data for high impact action. New York, United Nations Development Programme.   “Colleting good data is one of the most powerful tools to end extreme poverty” said the president of World Bank Jim Yong Kim, a phrase that was used…

“The Misery of Time: Lives Suspended by Unemployment [A Miséria do Tempo: Vidas Suspensas pelo Desemprego]” by Renato Miguel do Carmo e Maria Madalena d’Avelar

Review by Sara Franco da Silva   Carmo, Renato Miguel do e Maria Madalena d’Avelar (2020), A Miséria do Tempo: Vidas Suspensas pelo Desemprego, Lisboa, Tinta da China.   In contemporary societies, labour market exclusion is one of the factors intensifying disadvantages, inequalities, and weakening conditions for social participation and recognition. The referenced study informs…

“World Inequality Report 2022″ by Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman (coord.)

Review by Inês Tavares   Chancel, Lucas; Thomas Piketty; Emmanuel Saez; Gabriel Zucman; et al. (2022), World Inequality Report 2022, World Inequality Lab.   The World Inequality Report 2022, published by the World Inequality Lab and coordinated by Lucas Chancel, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, and Gabriel Zucman, is a report on global inequalities that incorporates…

“More than a billion reasons: The urgent need to build universal social protection for children” by ILO & UNICEF

Review by Maria Francisca Botelho   ILO and UNICEF (2023); More than a billion reasons: The urgent need to build universal social protection for children. Second ILO–UNICEF Joint Report on Social Protection for Children. Geneva and New York.   The new joint report between the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)…

“Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping our Future in a Transforming World” by United Nations Development Programme

Review by Maria Francisca Botelho   CONCEIÇÃO, Pedro (2022), Uncertain Times, Unsettled Lives: Shaping our Future in a Transforming World, United Nations Development Programme Report 2021/2022, New York, USA   The new Human Development Report released by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) focuses on various realities that have been causing a significant setback in…

Eurobarometer reveals Portuguese are more concerned with cost of living, housing, and transportation than the rest of Europe

A survey conducted by the European Commission reveals that, in 2024, 83% of the Portuguese respondents report living in regions with a good or very good quality of life (+1 p.p. compared to the EU). Satisfaction with the economic situation of their region is similar to that of other European citizens (65%). The issues that…

National survey reveals ethnic-racial inequalities in education, labour status, housing and experience of discrimination in Portugal

A new survey by the National Statistics Institute (INE) reveals ethnic-racial inequalities in education, labour status, housing, and experience of discrimination in Portugal. According to the Survey on the Life Conditions, Origins and Trajectories of the Resident Population – ICOT (INE, 2023), the adult population in Portugal who identifies as Roma or black suffers around…